Can we save the world through print?

14 09 2008

Welcome to my Blog.  This blog is intended to be a free-form forum (say THAT three times fast!) for brand owners, printers, designers, and anyone interested in any and all things related to ‘green’ packaging and print.  Here I welcome all comments and ideas, the only thing we won’t tolerate here is ‘flaming’.  Don’t get me wrong, there will be times, late on a Saturday night, after polishing off a bottle of Sterling Cab that I might get jump up on my soapbox and go on a bit about well… you’ll find out, but I’ll expect someone here to stop me if I get too deep and I won’t tolerate profanity, vulgarity, personal attacks on bloggers, or worst of all- ignorance.  If I get something wrong I’ll expect someone to correct me- WITHOUT scolding me for it… and I promise to return the favor.  Afterall, we’re only human- and we don’t know everything- even if we pretend to.  Happy Blogging!  🙂